“Dacoromania” (abbreviated DR) is a scholarly journal that welcomes original contributions in all areas of linguistics and philology. The new series of DR has been issued since 1994 by “Sextil Puşcariu” Institute of Linguistics and Literary History, one of the research institutes of the Romanian Academy based in Cluj-Napoca. “Dacoromania” is published bianually by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest).

     An earlier series of “Dacoromania” was published in Cluj between 1920 and 1948 as a bulletin of the Museum of the Romanian Language, an institution founded and directed by linguist and literary historian Sextil Puşcariu. The journal attracted major scholarly contributions in the fields of linguistics and philology (it was later to be assessed as the “best specialty periodical of the time” – Iorgu Iordan) and became a flagship publication of the interwar philological school in Cluj. This tradition was later continued by “Dacoromania. Jahrbuch für östliche Latinität”, a journal initiated and edited by Paul Miron and Elsa Lüder and published in Freiburg i. Br. between 1973 and 1991. The current new series of “Dacoromania” replaces “Cercetări de lingvistică”, the scholarly journal issued by the Institute of Linguistics and Literary History in Cluj between 1956 and 1993.

     The aim of the journal is to concentrate, first of all, the scholarly contributions of researchers associated with the linguistic and philological school in Cluj, but submissions from other Romanian as well as international scholars have equally been hosted by DR and are always welcome. The scope of the journal is inclusive and articles are invited in all linguistic and philological domains. It is, however, individualized by the tradition of linguistic research undertaken locally and regionally on the following topics: history of the Romanian language, Romanian grammar, dialectology, lexicology and lexicography, phonetics and phonology, onomastics, philology, Romance languages, text linguistics, computational linguistics and, most prominently in recent years, E. Coşeriu’s integral linguistics. Almost every issue includes reviews and book presentations, and informs the scholarly community of the main local and regional scientific manifestations in the field of linguistics. The second issue of every year includes an Index of autors and an Index of words.

     Most articles are published in Romanian, although lately the percentage of articles written in international languages has been increased. All articles have titles, abstracts and keywords in English.

     The advisory board of the journal consists of well established Romanian and international scholars while on the editorial board serve researchers and academics from “Sextil Puşcariu” Institute of Linguistics and Literary History and “Babeş-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca.